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9 Interior Design Tips On How To Reduce Stress And Improve Your Mental Health

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

Home is a place that's supposed to fill us with inner peace and recharge our used batteries after a hard day at work, but that's not always the case. Sometimes it even brings us down, ie depresses us, and the cause is often a minor or a major design error, which in most cases is very easy to correct. We decided to deal with this subject from various interior design angles, because Life is Beautiful, and we are here to help you stylize it further!

N°1 Bring the sunlight into the apartment!

interior, living room, sunshine, enterijer, dnevna soba, sunce, cushions, jastucici
(Image source: Pinterest)

We don't need scientific evidence to notice the benefits of sunlight on our body - just imagine a beautiful spring day like the one today, a gentle breeze and sunshine on your face, and our lips instantly stretch into a smile. But, there are also numerous scientific studies* that suggest that exposure to sunlight increases the production of serotonin and endorphins, popularly called happiness hormones, it also has an overall positive effect on the cognitive functions of the brain, and is especially important for the so-called circadian rhythm, ie our biological rhythm. In this regard, the more natural light in the apartment, the better.

It is very important that our living room, kitchen and dining room are well lit, but the bedroom should not be neglected either. Waking up with the onset of sunlight has an extremely beneficial effect on our functioning during the rest of the day, as well as on our mood.

If due to circumstances in your interior you do not have enough natural light, try to maximize what you have with the help of colors, mirrors, decor, as well as properly positioned artificial lighting. And do not forget about a very important detail - the light temperature!

interior, living room, sunshine, enterijer, dnevna soba, sunce, palms, palme, more, sea
(Image source: Pinterest)

N°2 Soften the sharpness

interior, bold interior, modern, enterijer, smeo enterijer, moderan
(Image left, credit: Studio Libeskind; Image right, credit: Kazuko Sakamoto, Atelier Tekuto)

Being specific and "sharp" is not a bad thing as a conversational skill, but too many sharp corners in the interior increase anxiety and restlessness. Various studies have shown that our mind perceives such forms as danger and, accordingly, activates the "survival response" in the body, ie it causes the production of adrenaline and cortisol as a physiological response.

sofa, modern, living room, dvosed, moderan, dnevna soba, interior, enterijer, beo enterijer, white interior, round design
(Image left, credit: Jonathan Adler; Image right, credit: Amy Lau Design)

The fact that furniture with curved lines has become more and more popular lately is not a coincidence. You don't have to change the whole interior. Simply, consciously bring softness into your space with round objects: round mirrors, coffee tables with curved edges, round carpets, or throw a soft blanket over a hard-edged sofa, set round-shaped lighting... Your inner peace will thank you for that.

N°3 Free up your space - free up your mind

lamp, plant, modern, clean, meditation, lampa, biljka, moderna, jednostavno, meditacija, interior, enterijer)
(Image credit: AU_34 Halo Light Planter by Massimo Cappella Studio)

Decluttering is crucial for mental stability. Too many things in interior tire the brain, increase nervousness and discouragement, negatively affect sleep and even diet, and thus put unnecessary pressure on our immune system. However, too few things, that is, too much emptiness, has negative consequences as well..

Your interior should reflect you, suit your own character and personality, so you should organize it accordingly. It is best to do this procedure in stages: first, totally clear all the surfaces, and then gradually add items that have a special meaning for you personally, until it feels just right.

If it's too overwhelming to do it all at once, start with something smaller, and increase the area gradually - one drawer, one wardrobe, one room. Step by step and corner by corner, until you find the right measure.

N°4 Green, how I love you, green!

interior, enterijer, dog, pas, greenery, zelenilo, mindfulness
(Image source: Pinterest)

Experts from various professions universally agree on one thing - plants boost the mood. Greenery and nature in general, calm our "monkey mind", as it's called by those who practice meditation, ie a phenomenon that refers to the fact that a person has an average of about 70,000 different thoughts during one day. They run around in our minds, processing the most diverse data, mostly randomly. This is extremely useful for our functioning, but only if we have the main say.

Calming the mind through simply observing the greenery, but also the sense of purpose and gratitude given to us by caring for plants, observing their growth and development, have numerous positive effects. They reduce the feeling of loneliness and sadness, speed up the healing processes, and help fight depression. If for any reason you are not able to grow plants, our recommendation is to, instead of inserting fake plants into the interior, bring greenery through works of art - paintings depicting tree lines, lush green leaves, a forest...

N°5 Achieve harmony through colors

interior, enterijer, colorfull, boje, greenery, zelenilo
(Image source: Pinterest)

Whether you are a fan of feng shui skills or not, you shouldn't neglect the effect of color in your interior and your life in general. Psychology has long recognized the strength of the influence that colors have on our psyche. There are many scientific studies on this topic, but what all of them agrees on is the following:

  • blue color slows down metabolism, reduces blood pressure, but can at the same time have a depressing effect on some people, literally make them "blue", since it can give the impression of coldness

  • red color stimulates, helps fight depression, but also increases aggression, and for some people a better choice would be a softer, pink color or a brick color shade of red

  • orange color is a natural antidepressant, it boosts the immune system, but it can also be too stimulating (it is a good choice for, for example, study and dining room)

  • green is a great color for the interior, fresh, soothing, affects the overall balance and harmony

  • brown color awakens a feeling of stability, connection with the earth, awakens the feeling of consolation

  • yellow is the color of energy and joy, but it can also be distracting for some people

  • white color looks clean and soothing, but it can also increase anxiety, so all white interior solutions should be avoided

Of course, it is extremely important to pay attention to the shades, as well as the amount of a certain color in the space. Some universal rules are that lighter and cooler colors have a calming effect, while darker, warmer and more saturated colors boost energy. But each of us has different needs. To some extent, our perception of color is influenced by the culture in which we grew up. That is why it is best to combine what science tells us with what you personally strive for.

N°6 Don't overdo the mirrors!

mirrors, ogledala, modern art, moderna umetnost, art installation, umetnicka instalacija
(Image credit: Mirror Garden by Ning Wang, Archstudio)

Although mirrors are generally fantastic for the interior, you should not overdo it. Mirrors are great for adding layers and depth in interiors, but that is precisely why you should be careful, especially if your interior is already complex enough, because it will only enhance the impression.

Too many mirrors increase anxiety, partly due to visual oversaturation, but more importantly, due to psychological overload caused by constant observation of one's own image, emphasizing the physical dimension of one's own being, dictated by the society in which we live.

Instead of objects that provoke a constant physical perception of ourselves, we should surround ourselves with creations that will awaken introspection, a sense of joy and harmony, and a deeper connection with our inner selves.

N°7 Surround yourself with art

sofa, interior, enterijer, art, umetnost, painting, slika, figurative art, figurativna umetnost, macka, cat
(Image source: Pinterest, Art source: Instagram @stagbag8 & @studio.atelier.deco)

Observing works of art can cause the same chemical reaction in our mind and body as when we are in love. Surprised? We're not :) Neurobiologists from University College London have determined after an extensive study what art lovers claim all along - the brain's reaction to art is almost the same as to love. The same centers in the brain react, the centers for pleasure and reward, and a large amount of dopamine, known as the hormone of happiness, is produced. Do we need more reasons?

There are also studies on how observing art has a positive effect on people suffering from various diseases - patients in hospital treatment included in one such study felt less pain and suffering and recovered faster.

And don't worry, art doesn't have to be too expensive. Get paintings locally, include prints, photos of loved ones or of favorite memories will come in handy too... The point is that you will have the most benefits by surrounding yourself with art that means something to you personally, which awakens feelings of satisfaction and joy in you. And let us conclude this post with the words of artist Grayson Perry: "Life without art would be a series of e-mails."

N°8 Balancing the materials

interior, enterijer, moodboard, materials, materijali, wood, stone, greenery, drvo, kamen, zelenilo
(Image credit: West South Studio)

If your interior is rich in cold materials, marble, plastic, glass, be sure to complete it with elements made of natural materials. Use wood, twine, weaving, something that is interesting both visually and tactilely. It is important that the selected objects also encourage touch, considering that human beings subconsciously strive to establish the closest possible connection with nature. And a closer connection with nature leads to a closer connection with ourselves.

N°9 Arrange me wisely

interior, good flow, living room, enterijer, dobar protok, dnevna soba, plan prostora, floor plan, open space, otvoren plan
(Image left, source: Pinterest; Image right, credit: Serena and Lily)

And, at last but not the least: Is your space overcrowded? How do you move around each room - easy or do you have to constantly skip and bypass obstacles?

A good furniture layout which allows easy circulation through the space, facilitates socialization when you have company in your home, but equally reduces tension and anxiety even when you are alone. Also, more symmetry in the layout enhances your inner calm.

Sometimes it is enough to just rearrange the existing pieces of furniture to feel better - the action itself can help us break down negative thoughts. Of course, if you do not fall into the trap of constant relocation and rearrangement of furniture, which is a new level of anxiety in itself. Listen to your instinct to find just the right measure.


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